Using stealth in Starfield allows you to sneak around undetected for lethal sneak attacks or avoiding confrontation altogether. However, simply crouching isn’t enough to get you into stealth mode as in previous Bethesda RPGs. Instead, you’ll actually need to unlock this Starfield ability using a skill point. Only then will you gain a Stealth Meter that monitors your detection level so you can creep around effectively. If you want to act more covertly and strike from the shadows, here’s how to unlock Starfield stealth and use it to stay hidden.
How to unlock Starfield stealth
The most important thing to know about stealth in Starfield is that it is not available by default, so the only way you can track if you’ve been detected and sneak effectively is by unlocking the Stealth skill. That being said, two of the Starfield backgrounds – Cyber Runner and Ronin – have this as a starting skill, so it’s possible you already have it from the start, but otherwise you’ll need to visit the Starfield skills screen and spend a Skill Point to unlock it.
How does the Starfield Stealth Meter work?
Once you’ve unlocked the Stealth skill, this will add the Starfield Stealth Meter at the top of your screen every time you crouch, so you can track your current sneaking status. It will begin as HIDDEN on a white background, then if you are spotted by friendlies it will fill in as DETECTED on green. Conversely, if enemies begin to notice you then the Stealth Meter will display CAUTION and fill in orange, before switching to DANGER on a red background if you’re being attacked. Remaining HIDDEN while sneaking in Starfield has a number of benefits, including avoiding encounters with enemies altogether or dealing additional damage with sneak attacks, while the color of the Stealth Meter can also help you to determine if nearby NPCs are hostile or not.
Keep an eye out for certain aid items, which can give you a temporary boost to increase your stealth in Starfield. Reconstim, for example, reduces your Movement Noise by 30% for 10 minutes, which can be especially helpful if you’re trying to navigate a tricky sneaking section.
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